Walking up from the station along Pillory Street, we come across the jewellers of C H Moody & Son, which sports the standard Rolex clock.
On the High Street we find the timbered building which includes Hope House.
Nantwich town centre has many fine buildings, but the gem has to be St Mary's church.
This Grade I listed church dates from the 14th century, with restoration by the renowned architect George Gilbert Scott in the 19th century.
It is only with a zoom lens that you fully appreciate the level of detail of the gargoyles and other features, way up on the building.
Looking down instead of up, I saw this in the pavement on Hospital Street. I am not sure what the clock motive is all about, but it might be reference to the Millennium Clock.
And so here it is, the Nantwich Millennium Clock.
It is not actually that easy to tell the time from this clock - you have to look quite closely, so no good for a quick glance as you hurry by.
And it wasn't showing the correct time either.