Richmond is a pleasant town on the Thames, spoilt only by the constant stream of low flying aircraft on their way to Heathrow. I managed to find six clocks on my walkabout in the autumn sunshine, but I am sure there must be others lurking about.
The first clock on arriving by train is at the station itself. The photo below shows the clock on the station exterior - I had difficulty in taking a picture because the buses providing rail replacement services kept getting in the way.
Just up the road is the church of St John the Devine. The difficulty in photographing this clock was due to the foliage from the mature trees - they clearly didn't think of these thinks when they built the church!
Moving into the main town, the second of the churches is St Mary Magdalene, with its very obvious and clear clock.
Moving to the commercial sector, Richmond doesn't seem blessed with clocks on shops. The examples found were a rather nice clock turret on Sheen Street and one on George Street that has clearly had several brand changes.
And the tour of Richmond ends with the clock on the Old Town Hall on Hill Street.
Richmond Town Hall clock was installed in 1892 and is a quarter chiming clock by Wm. Potts & Sons of Leeds